Saturday 3 November 2012

Celery & Trout Fritatta

Yep I'm dealing with leftovers here. The whole moral of this post is that you can do a lot with a little!

I'm off chicken for a little while to see if it has any positive effects for me and didn't want to be eating red meat 3 times a day so eggs it was!

The vege drawer was pretty empty, except for the celery and carrots, I didn't feel like carrots, and I had about 100/150gm of left over grilled trout from last nights dinner. Frittata is honestly so easy - you can add a whole variety of meats & veges & it's an awesome little snack on the go full of goodness and protein!

Yields 6 single serves
  • 6 whole eggs
  • 6 egg whites (Don't throw out the yolks - give 1 a day to the dog or something- it's great for their coat!)
  • Leftover meats - however much (150-300gm would be good I'd say)
  • 3 long stalks of celery sliced (or any other veges)
  • 1 tablespoon Parsley
  • 1 teaspoon dill
  • Pepper to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius
  2. Combine 6 whole eggs and 6 whites in a bowl
  3. Whisk through meat and veges
  4. Add herbs and stir through
  5. Pour into 8" by 8" square dish (any size will really work here)
  6. Cook for 40min or until set and cooked through
  7. Place under a grill for 10min to brown the top
  8. Eat hot or let cool and cut up for work snacks!

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